Home News & Events Glowing Apparition Shaped Like 'Christ The Redeemer' Appears In Iceland

Glowing Apparition Shaped Like 'Christ The Redeemer' Appears In Iceland


apparition 2An Icelandic photographer claims to have captured a magnificent apparition which looked like Jesus Christ floating about near his home in the sky. This happened in the town of Akranes.

The apparition was wearing an ensemble of red and purple robes, Local headmaster Jón Hilmarsson, 48, said his ten-year-old son urged him to take the picture after they saw the startling visitation – with an uncanny resemblance to the statue Christ the Redeemer.

The Christ The Redeemer, selfie

Mr Hilmarsson said: ‘This was the most beautiful and vivid northern light display I have ever seen.

Apparition 1

‘We usually see green auroras but that night I saw bright green, red and purple colour, which is very unusual… It was wonderful to photograph, the lights were dancing through the sky and constantly exploding, giving me all kinds of different formation to follow and admire.’


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