Home #SelahMusic #SelahMusic: Adaora | Papa | Bia O; Bia O

#SelahMusic: Adaora | Papa | Bia O; Bia O


Adaora“Papa” is a song Adaora wrote while going through “Stuff”. In 2010, she was past midway point of a post baccalaureate program that she was pursuing at University of Michigan. And to move on to graduation, she needed to complete her thesis project which was dependent on the success of her experiments. It was like on matter however she tried to carry out her experiments, they simple would not work. Soon she started to contemplate dropping out of the program. Concurrently, she and her husband were trying for a second child. Adaora leveraged her scientific expertise to study her female cycle determining her ovulation times and the perfectwindowfor fertilization. Even with planning and strategizing for a baby, that too, (pregnancy) was not forth coming. In all these ciaos, in her bathroom, she began to talk to the only personality that can change her situation – her PAPA God. While singing and groaning from her spirit she narrated to God that she was confident that He (God) will do it and asked Him to collect her tears. She reaffirmed her personal relationship to God by calling him PAPA knowing that He does not desire pain and evil for his children as stated in Luke 11: 10-13.  After several months, God did it all! Her PAPA blessed her with a beautiful baby girl and soon after she graduated from her program quicker than she expected. As you listen to this song –PAPA, Adaora’s prayer for you is that any hard, immovable, unfruitful, barren situations in your life will turn around for good. In her own words “please profess God to be your PAPA, then do not give up! He did it for me and I know he will do yours. He is not a partial God”.

Download & Listen – Papa


While waiting for God to do the long list of items you have written up for Him, thank him for all the things he has already done. In this song Bia o Bia O, which means come and see, Adaora taps into her own life experiences to exemplify how to be thankful.  A life of thanksgiving reinforces your trust in God while lifting your faith for the other promises you are waiting on God for. Adaora in this Afro-pop song invites everyone to come and see what God has done for her. She thanks God for everything,ranging from Jesus’ love on the cross to her wonderful family (omaricha bobo and pikin).Adaora then tells God that she will continue to thank him all the days of her life for his mercies. I know people say “count your blessings name them one by one” is a cliché but seriously,  God appreciates it when you give Him praise for what he has already done. Try it! Lift up your spirit by dancing and praising with Bia O Bia O. God has been good! Will you join Adaora in thanking God for everything in your life even the “little” things?

Download & Listen – Bia o, Bia o




Twitter: @Adaoramusic


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