Yetunde Joyce’s new radio show Language of Love has premiered on Tuesday, 6th of January 2015 on Kabiesi Radio. The show discusses everything about Relationship, Sex, Marriage, Ministry, Society, Parenting, Fashion, Money, Enterprise and more.
The premiere had over 3000 listeners who tuned in to join the train. The show is on air Tuesdays 12pm GMT, 1pm CAT(Replay is at 7pm GMT, 8pm CAT) and Friday at 8pm GMT 9pm CAT.
Her New Album titled G.O.D (Granting Our Desire) produced by Wole Oni was released February 2014. ‘Worthy’ an Easter Worship was released in April 2014. She followed up with the video for Find God in June and released her latest single titled ‘Lift Him High’ in November of the same year.
The yearly concert organised by Seed of Life Gospel Choir is the brain child of Yetunde Joyce who actively supports charities such as Barnados Ireland and Keep a Child Alive.
Twitter: @iamyetundejoyce
Facebook: Yetunde Joyce YJ
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