Home News & Events "David And Goliath" Director Tim Chey Slams "Noah" – Says "I Won't...

"David And Goliath" Director Tim Chey Slams "Noah" – Says "I Won't Make A Movie That's Biblically Incorrect"


david-and-goliath-new-film-poster‘David and Goliath’ director Tim Chey recently explained why his upcoming movie will be very different from other blockbuster faith based films such as ‘Noah’ and ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’.

“Well first off, I’m not only a director, but also an evangelist. So obviously, I’m not going to make a film that’s biblically not correct or does not give honor to the Lord,” said Chey at a recent press event in Los Angeles according to a One News Now report.

 “There are no rock monsters helping David unfortunately. But kidding aside, I wanted to make a film that will reinvigorate the kind of faith the future King of Israel had, namely fighting a giant with a zero percent chance of defeating him outside of God.”

Sadly, the Christian filmmaker’s friend questions if people in the modern era have the same passion and faith in God like biblical heroes like David, Moses or Noah had thousands of years ago.

“I have a pastor friend who says he doesn’t know anyone in his large church who would fight Goliath today,” said Chey.

“I heard a clear voice from the Lord to make this film. I want the audience to really feel the fear of what it meant to take on a 9-foot giant warrior with a sling-shot and what David’s incredible faith meant to the world,” said Chey in a statement last year.

“I’m excited that we can make a Biblically-accurate film about one of the most incredible stories in the Bible. People are already asking me how they can get tickets.”

The ‘David and Goliath’ film is set to arrive in movie theaters in early 2015.

Watch Trailer

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqrDHut5KlM&w=500&h=281]


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