Home #SelahMusic #SelahFresh: Yemi Akoyi | Great God

#SelahFresh: Yemi Akoyi | Great God


yemi akoyiYemi Akoyi is a gospel minister, preacher, writer and teacher of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. A man running with a vision handed to him by God as found in Isaiah 58:12, is one who’s heart is to see men worship God creating a platform for God’s intervention in there individual affairs.

His first song privilege by God titled “Unending Reign” recorded unbelievable yet undeniable testimonies. Song listen to not only in Nigeria but also in the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, Australia and even Unites State of America where a brother did a choreography of the song withing just 5 days of release. Many were and still being drawn back to their maker through the song, therefore it is highly essential to acknowledge God who is our only “Great God”. O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. Psalms 95:1-3.

Finally when we declare His reign unending in our lives and also tell him how unique a God and King He His, I have no doubt He will step into your affairs Speedily. I like you all to personalise this song reflecting on that faithful day He met you, how far He has brought you and the glorious future ahead, am glad I met him on 7th of march 7years ago. Welcome to your season of great wonders with the Great God…The song was beautifully produced by Adeniji Peter (Ppiano) for DistinctMusicProductions… Go Fulfilling!

Download & Listen – Great God




Twitter: @YemiAkoyi


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