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SelahTV: You Wouldn't Believe Who Came To Rescue Freezing Young Boy Without Jacket


homeless-social-experiment_1-620x333In a social experiment conducted by by OckTV, Damn.com and Pranksters.com, a young boy in a tattered outfit pretending to be homeless stood on the street with a plastic bag and plackard asking for help but no one yielded to his pleas, everyone walked on till about 2 hours later when another homeless man came to his rescue.

The homeless man took off his jacket and put it on the boy while asking him questions. He also gave him from his money telling him, he is young and still has a fighting chance in life.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CwCvpEMEJU&w=600&h=338]

It was later revealed to the homeless man that it was an experiment, he wept while he was rewarded by the team for his kind gestures.


Source/Photo/Video: OckTVMustard Seed Budget


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