Home News & Events Between Erica Campbell, Harper Collins & The Altered NIV Bible

Between Erica Campbell, Harper Collins & The Altered NIV Bible


erica campbellA lot of controversies keep flying around about the NIV bible. These controversies started when the news hit the media that the new owner of Zondervan Publishers, Harper Collins has deliberately removed some verses off the bible and changed some others in other to give it twisted meaning.

Christian artiste Erica Campbell further shared a post on her Facebook confirming the story. She posted:

The ‪#‎NIV‬ has taken scriptures out of the bible on mobile devices and computer apps. 45 COMPLETE verses removed from the bible.”

She continued…

erica nivThese verses were truly taken out when SelahAfrik searched. We further did a little research on Harper Collins and the story and discovered that the said books were published by Harper Collins.

The truth is if  Harper Collins could publish such books, then he is probably capable of the accusations.

Let us therefore search all matters carefully and hold fast to that which is true.

A fan – Dee Rose – commenting on Erica Campbell’s post said it right;

His word is in me so this is not a concern for [me]. Keep praying, keep fasting, keep watching, don’t get distracted… These things have to happen so His word will be fulfilled!! No shocked, I’m preparing myself daily! All praise be to God!


What is your opinion on this issue? Be a patriotic #SelahAfrikan, kindly use the comment section below to share with us



  1. This is a sad state of affairs, but we know the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. We must continue to be on watch through fasting and praying

  2. I went through my NIV and saw that the 10 passages listed are not even in the Zondervan’s NIV Devotional Study Bible of 1987 and International Bible Society’s NIV of 1984.
    It is also worthy of note that 1997 NLT, 2003 ESV, 1985 New Jerusalem Bible, 1994 GNB and Zondervan’s 1996 NRSV don’t have them either.
    On the issue of removed words, has anyone been able to check?

    • Hi Uche, according to the response by Zondervan, it seems the verses were affected by the manuscripts with which the NIV was interpreted and has nothing to do with a conspiracy… that being said, you can deduce your veracity from your perception… Read more in this followup article here

  3. The KJV is a translation of the Bible, the NIV is not a revision of the KJV, but a separate translation based on a different manuscript. Its interesting Erica Campbells saying these things considering the unholy music she produces. The company produces other material, so what. Whoever produces her gospel trap music also produces traditional gospel and other types of music too I’m.sure.

  4. Unbelievable! I have the mutilated version on my mobile devise. Believing is seeing. Ladies and gentleman we are indeed in the last days. Everyone must prepare their affairs cause the Lord Jesus will be here any time now.

  5. I have addressed this issue of NIV Bible on some forums before. There is nothing satanic about it; neither is there any omission. Some translations adopt a “word for word” approach while others simply focus on conveying the meaning as adequately as possible. NIV adopts the latter, just like many other modern translations.

    The reason we think there are omissions in NIV is because most of us have KJV minds. In fact, some people believe that KJV is the only authentic English version of the Bible. But that’s not true. If we want to talk about omissions, let’s compare the text with the original Greek rather than comparing a translation with another translation.

    I’ve written a comprehensive response to this before. The NIV publishers have replied too. I’ll check my computer to see if I can find those documents so I can post them. I’m considering doing a blog post too. And if I don’t, I believe that this should suffice.

    We should be careful to examine what we hear/receive before spreading to or sharing with others. In this digital age, it’s so easy to become an agent for spreading false alarm. Thankfully, it’s also easier to confirm the truth.

    Apart from the fact that we have the witness of the Holy Spirit, most of these facts are only a Google search away. Another good resource is Hoax Slayer.

    Let’s always do some due diligence before broadcasting messages especially when we don’t know the source.

    Thank you.


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