Following the U.S. Supreme Court ruling striking down states’ same-sex marriage bans, some Christian and world leaders have commented on the development and most did not favour the ruling.
While the pastor of the Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas, T.D Jakes couldnt be bothered about the ruling saying Christians shouldn’t be bothered about the world being the world, most Christians are deeply concerned and they have voiced their concerns.

Bishop T.D Jakes who said he has been bombarded by people who wanted to know his stand point on the issue since the ruling said;
I’m not really as concerned about this as a lot of people are,” said Jakes during service on Sunday, according to a video excerpt of his remarks published online. “I’m really not as concerned about it. I think that we should not lose our mind about the world being the world and the Church being the Church. This is not a news flash. The world is gonna be the world and the Church is gonna be the Church, and you have to understand the difference.”
San Antonio-based pastor of the Cornerstone Church John Hagee outrightly condemned the ruling during the “Hagee Hotline” broadcast on Tuesday saying it is a “naked judicial power grab” and a “direct attack on states’ rights.”
He also joked that God would “have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah” in light of the ruling and maintained his position that the Bible defines marriage as between one man and one woman, citing a “3-0 ruling” from the “Supreme Court in heaven.”
“Same-sex marriage will never be accepted in heaven as legitimate, so says God Almighty.”
Obama is leading the nation on a sinful course and God will judge him and us as a nation if we don’t repent.”
“I don’t think a lot of pastors and Christian schools are going to have a choice. They either are going to follow God, their conscience, and what they truly believe is what the Scripture teaches them or they will follow civil law,” the “
“I’ve just concluded since President Obama endorses the same-sex marriage, advocates homosexual people and enjoys an attractive countenance thus if it becomes necessary , I shall travel to Washington, D.C. , get down on my knee , and ask his [Obama’s] hand.”
I can’t understand how this people dare to defy Christ’s explicit orders as our Lord prohibited mankind from sodomy.”
Watch T.D Jakes speaking on the issue below: