Home News & Events FreeNation INC Artiste Ada Signs Lucrative Deal With Techno Mobile

FreeNation INC Artiste Ada Signs Lucrative Deal With Techno Mobile


IMG_20151105_160746ACTV/Innercity Goodwill ambassador Ada‘s brand keeps getting bigger and attracting other ventures as she recently signed another lucrative deal with leading brand in the Technology and Innovation Across Africa Techno Mobile for the use of her materials on the Techno Boom J7 player, a new app for the Boom series that allows you stream music online and even download them.


The deal not only entails that Ada‘s singles will be updated but also her videos, latest news and interviews will also be updated on the app globally. It’s like a world for Ada on the Techno Boom player.


This makes it the 2nd deal signed by the FreeNation Inc‘s act this year, earlier in the year she signed an endorsement/face of brand deal with multimedia company ACTV. She has also been associated with the clothing line “I Am Kinging” as the face of the line.


Congrats to Ada on yet another milestone!


Twitter | Instagram Facebook | Reverbnation: @AdaEhi



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