Home Selah Fashion Church Clothes: Stripes, Dots & Colour Pops With Bouqui!!

Church Clothes: Stripes, Dots & Colour Pops With Bouqui!!

Bouqui, Church Clothes, Colour Pops, Stripes,

bouqui 5The all new Bouqui keeps taking our breathe away with her stunning styles and I decided to compile her recent looks to create one haven of eye candy gallery; of stripes, dots and colour pops. Yes I know, it’s not Monday, but since yesterday was a holiday,  ‘Church Clothes’ too had to take a break 🙂

And do you notice her predominant hairstyles too? Bouqui has evolved from the days of pixie haircuts, punk inspired styles and what we have these days are mainly curly or straight weave with bangs.



Twitter | Instagram: @bouquiunstoppable

To get featured in SelahAfrik ‘Church Clothes’, simply upload your picture to your Instagram account with a short description of your look and tag @selahafrik. Church Clothes comes up every Monday.

  • Written by @honeydewamos



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