Here is a brand new song from Kelvocal titled “Come to Worship”.
Kelvocal is an Abuja Based Gospel Music Minister, born and bred in Benin City, trained as a Fine-Artist but has found his passion in leading humanity to connect to the heart of the Father through Worship and Praise.
This song “Come to Worship” is a product of intense personal fellowship with the Holy Spirit and it’s a call to all to come back to the value of personal fellowship and placing premium on his presence, Kelvocal is calling on humanity to re-connect to a loving father who is unlimited in power and full of Glory, more willing to give to them that they know (Abba Father, King of Glory and All-sufficient God).
“Come to Worship” is rendered in English and a blend of Niger-Delta and other Nigerian Languages, it connects you directly to the heart of the father.
Listen and download
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @Kelvocal