Home #SelahMusic #SelahMusic: Ichy Sam | Keep Hope Alive

#SelahMusic: Ichy Sam | Keep Hope Alive [@Ichy_Sam]


Ichy Sam's #KHA art  (1)Here is a new song titled “Keep Hope Alive” by “Ichy Sam”. It’s a song that is empowered and inspired to motivate and encourage you to keep that fire of hope you have for something or someone burning! Knowing our God never fails and His timing is always right.

This song has the capability to spontaneously make you wipe your tears, have Faith in God’s ability to do what He says He’ll do, doesn’t leaves but stays with you happy, Joyful, Glad, Delighted, Pleased, Cheerful, Merry, Festive And positive that an impending, imminent and inevitable heartwarming answer from God is on its way! A Song For All!. May God fill your heart with warm Joy as you download, listen and share

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