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What Hillsong Pastor Said About Justin Bieber’s Faith On Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday

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pastor-carl-lentz-and-oprah-winfreyIn 2014, SelahAfrik reported how Justin Bieber; during a February weekend searched through New York for where he could be baptized by Hillsong‘s Pastor Carl Lentz. In an episode of Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday, the pastor of the mega church spoke up for the Canadian born singer and also made reference to the 2014 baptism.

“Through [Pastor] Judah, I was able to become a friend of Justin. To make a long story short, his baptism was a moment where he was going through it and he was pulling himself up,” Carl Lentz said.

Oprah Winfrey told the pastor that she is quite amazed by the Christian transformation of Justin Bieber, although quite a number of people doubt the veracity of Bieber’s faith. Lentz then gave an account of Bieber’s journey of faith. He shared that they became acquainted with one another when his friend and fellow pastor Judah Smith told him he was “working” with Bieber and hoped for them to connect.

Lentz further said Justin became a dedicated Christian after his baptism. It is an open secret that the young singer has always known Jesus and it’s all thanks to his mother. But Lentz said everybody gets to a point “where it goes from being your mama’s relationship or your grandmama’s religious background to yours.”

“He’s serious.” the pastor cleared the doubt about Bieber’s faith. “People say, ‘What does it mean to be a serious Christian?’ Look at Justin, he’s a work in progress. He’s never said he’s perfect, he’s never said he is the representation of Christianity, but I’m proud of him for admitting he’s a Christian in the middle of and knowing he’s going to have more problems. I love that about Justin.”




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