Bishop F.E.B Idahosa of Faith Arena, headquarter of Church of God Mission, founded by the late Archbishop Benson Idahosa has given more credence to his controversial sermon that admonished to infiltrate the secular industry.
“I want to see you on CNN tomorrow. I want to see you on MTV Base, not TBN. TBN is good. Praise God. But it’s only for Christians. Be on MTV Base. Be on Soundcity. That’s what people are watching. They are not watching TBN? Even some of us as Christians don’t watch TBN… Get to where they are”, The Bishop declared during his sermon titled ‘Faith of our Fathers” at Holyhill Church, Abuja.
A number of people have spoken for and against the issue since the Bishop’s sermon went public with the likes of Rooftop MC‘s Snatcha and Sokleva making contributions. 360Nobs‘ Noble Igwe also added his opinion.
Defending the controversial issue, Bishop F.E.B Idahosa said it will be better one listens to the entire sermon before protesting against him for blasphemy.
“Before joining the protests of “blasphemy,” listen to the entire thesis,” He posted on his Instagram. “As Christians, we are called to shine our light in the places where light doesn’t already exist. Do not lock up your knowledge and abilities inside the four walls of the church, take them into the fields of entertainment, sports, business, education, politics and governance. The only way for a nation to be changed by those with the proper message is for them to have influence… and the people you want to influence are not watching Christian TV, they’re not inside the church. Get out there where they are.”