Home News & Events Gospel Singer KSB Ordained As Pulpit Minister

Gospel Singer KSB Ordained As Pulpit Minister

KSB Ordained

– Kenny Saint Best – KSB ordained as pulpit minister

kenny saint 2Gospel singer Kenny Saint Best, also known as KSB was on Sunday the 5th of February 2017, ordained as a minister at the New Anointing Revival Assembly Church by Apostle Anselm Madubuko.

KSB was ordained alongside other ministers after about 10 years of pulpit service.

“My Pastor of over 15 years Apostle Anselm Madubuko ordained me last Sunday as a pulpit minister”, she shared on Facebook.

kenny saintKSB has been in charge of the Teens Church for over 6-years and in 2014 when the youth church was created, she was promoted to be the minister in charge.

KSB, who has been an artist for almost 20 years holds a post graduate diploma degree in Theology from RCCG as far back as 1997.

She had attended Morris Cerullo & Benny Hinn Schools of ministry and discipleship respectively in London, England in 1996 before moving back to Nigeria in 1997.

KSB has served as a worker under the following Pastors and Apostles such as 1996-1997 Pastor Agu Irukwu, Jesus House RCCG, London 1997-2000 Pastor John Mowoe, Excusia Dunamis Parish RCCG Lagos 2000-2001 Pastor Tony Rapu, This Present House (TPH), Lagos 2001-2017 Apostle Anselem Madubuko, Revival Assembly, Lagos.





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