World sensational movie Wonder Woman which only just made its debut last week has got people talking and thinking of how much of God’s love was depicted in the highly anticipated movie.
The movie which is the first of its kind by DC Movies to be centralized by a woman since 2008 got some reviewers saying Wonder Woman, aka Diana, played by Gal Gadot, has a mission that closely resembles the mission of Jesus Christ.
A reviewer even went as far has describing the blockbuster movie as a “Sunday movie”, He revealed that in his home, on Sundays, he only allows his children to view “approved media.” So upon hearing that DC entertainment released a film fitting to their Christian standard, the kids were ecstatic.
Patty Jenkins’, director of the movie admitted that though the movie was inspired by Greek mythology but depicts some christian-ish ideology too.
“The movie is wrapped up in faux Greek mythology, true, but there’s no mistaking the Christology here,” he said. “To make sure you’re getting the message, the cinematographer practically hits you over the head with it in shots such as Diana descending slowly to the ground in the attitude of the cross.”