Nnadiekwe Chima Gibson, better known as Chim Cruz has followed up his last single “Kenechukwu”with a new single titled “You are Awesome”.
“You are Awesome” calls for a worship unto God in the present. Chim Cruz talks about a worship where God is available and his manifest present is expressive, hence he says: “You are awesome in this place”.
“Jesus replied, ‘believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem… God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.'” – John 4: 21 – 24
Chim Cruz hails from Imo state and is currently studying Business Management at the University of Nigeria, Enugu campus. He makes Gospel and Inspirational music as seen in his first single which spoke against juvenile delinquencies and called attention to the consequences.
Chim Cruz is working towards the release of his debut album and will announce date soon.
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Twitter: @nnadichima
Instagram: @chimcruz
Facebook: Chima Nnadiekwe