Home #SelahMusic #SelahView: Isabella Depicts Worship In 13 ‘Indescribable’ Expressions!

#SelahView: Isabella Depicts Worship In 13 ‘Indescribable’ Expressions!


Gospel music minister Isabella released her double-album on the 6th of November 2017 and set the social space aflame with 23 awesome singles! It is no big a surprise that the lady of songs will release a collection of 23 awesome tracks, however, we at SelahAfrik are taking the time to dissect the intricacies… to let you know what makes the lady of song able to accomplish such feat and putting credence to her apt title.

“Indescribable (The Complete Album)”, as produced by the Music Magnate, Wilson Joel contains 13 tracks and retains the distinctive sound which sets Isabella as an international brand. Yes! She is well traveled but it is her sound that makes her a world renowned brand!

“Our Great God Reigns”, the introductory track on the album kicked off with effulgence and pomp. It suits the place of an introductory track beautifully and also gives perspective to the title of the song “Indescribable”, pointing it in the direction Isabella intends – eulogy!

Having made such a grand entry, Isabella slows down the pace for some intimate worship. It’s true what they say that worship is not about the pace of the song, perhaps, as it is in this case, intimacy and such lavish outpouring of eulogy cannot otherwise be expressed.

Songs like “Omnipotent God”, “All Glory”, “Indescribable”, express the depth of adulation, nevertheless, “Indescribable” stands out for its simple sing-along chorus and the backup vocals did a great work matching Isabella’s passion in their vocal expression. As the song enters its final lap, you will find yourself bursting in tongues, just as Isabella catches up with you!

The pace picks up on “King of Kings”, but only to create a stirring in one’s spirit because it didn’t measure up to a mid-tempo. The guitars on the song will also kindle a fire spurring worship as you listen. It starts on a solemn tingling note, but becomes heavy and metallic towards the end creating a gradual climb till climax.

“Draw Me Close” is such a spectacular supplication song. Isabella conjures God’s presence by being deliberate with her choice of musical elements. One has to give  it up to the producer Wilson Joel for being able to adequately interpret the mind of the artiste and aligning with her emotion to produce such a beautiful sound.

Isabella’s sound is robustly sophisticated. “Desperate for You” is well cultivated with a mix of Soul and infusion of World music, Isabella delivers a resting haven for the spirit, soul and the body. The song is top notch on aesthetics as well as spiritual depth.

The pace picks up again as Isabella declares the timely consciousness of the present move of the spirit but drops for solemnity on “You are my God”. Isabella’s clarity and articulation with the use of language makes her delivery peculiar and pertinent for her audience.

The album rounds off almost as it starts. “Nara Ekele” is an Eastern Highlife praise song with rich vernacular for the purpose of identification. Isabella who is a UK based Nigerian Gospel artiste with international accreditation brings the “Indescribable” album to an anticlimax with something for the home front!

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Twitter: @isabellamelodie

Instagram: @isabellamelodies

Facebook: Isabella Ogo Uzodike


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