“I understood from my childhood, contrary to what many people think; life as a Christian will not always be easy”.
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said here in this life you will have many trials and tribulations, but be of good cheer because I have overcome the world (John 16:33).
However, sometimes life’s challenges could be so overwhelming that we could almost lose our minds; the death of a loved one, health challenges, psychosocial or economic issues, betrayal, setbacks disappointment, sudden calamity.
The psalmist describes these turmoils in psalm 73:2, 143:4,7, 17:7 – But as for me, I almost lost my footing, my steps had well nigh slipped and I was almost gone. I am losing all hope. I am paralyzed with fear. Hear me speedily oh Lord! Hide not your face from me! Show me your marvelous loving kindness, You who saves by your victorious right hand .
Still in all of these, we must intentionally decide not to throw away this confidence in The Lord. Remember the great reward it brings so that we can continue to do God’s will (Hebrew 10:35-36); Finding comfort that the Lord loves us and is always with us, even through those trials (Isaiah 41:10, Roman’s 8:38-39, Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 13:5) and; thanking God who always leads us to triumph! In Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 2:14).
Dearly Beloved Brethren I pray you will always find hope, encouragement and renewed faith in God in every circumstance in Jesus Name, amen!
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