Home #SelahMusic #SelahFresh: Annette Tenaya | Great God

#SelahFresh: Annette Tenaya | Great God [@annettetenaya]


Kenyan gospel singer and songwriter, Annette Tenaya is a born again anointed lady who uses her gift in music to impact the world.

Great God was derived from her experiences towards the journey to the kingdom (the secret place of God) and how God has been so great to her

Speaking about the song Annette Tenaya wrote, “The greatest utterance of our Faithful Father that Loves us so much. He said, ‘My thoughts towards you are of good and not evil and to give you an expected end’

“The passion that was inside me, to see a difference in the world, to be the solution and the fact that I realized its ability that God has given me. Even in my weakness, I pray for more unction to function. Till He comes “He said occupy till I come”.

Great God was produced by Saint P

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Twitter:  @annettetenaya


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