Home News & Events Radio Show Host Suggests Prayer After Florida School Shooting & He Is...

Radio Show Host Suggests Prayer After Florida School Shooting & He Is Under Attack!


– 17 dead after Florida School Shooting

– Radio show host under attack for suggesting prayer as solution to school shootings

17 people have died after a deadly school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

Many are offering thoughts and prayers for the people affected, churches across south Florida have been holding prayer vigils and opening their doors to people in search of peace.

President Trump offered prayers of comfort and support for the families of those killed.

“In these moments of heartache and darkness, we hold on to God’s Word in scripture: ‘I have heard your prayer and seen your tears.  I will heal you,” he said.  “We trust in that promise and we hold fast to our fellow Americans in their time of sorrow.”

Christian radio show host Bryan Fischer tweeted that prayer could help stop such tragedies.

“Hey, here’s an idea: why don’t we pray in schools BEFORE these shootings happen instead of waiting until we have dead students? Why does somebody have to die before even start talking about prayer?” he tweeted.

But many on the left have mocked and criticized Fischer’s comments.

“Because if prayer did any good, the most religious countries in the world would also be the most advanced. But in fact, the opposite is true,” wrote Frances Ana.

“Prayer in schools as a solution to gun violence. Prime example of the reason for the religious right’s waning relevance,” read another post.

In an interview on CBN News’ Prayerlink show, Fischer explained why America’s schools needs prayer.

Source: CBN


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