Home News & Events Apostle Suleman Condemns Comedians Joking With Jesus & ‘Shaku Shaku’ Dance In...

Apostle Suleman Condemns Comedians Joking With Jesus & ‘Shaku Shaku’ Dance In Church!

Apostle Suleman Condemns

– Apostle Suleman condemns acts by comedians using Jesus Christ to crack jokes

– Takes stand against certain dance moves in churchGeneral Overseer of the Omega Fire Ministries, Apostle Johnson Suleman has condemned the acts by some Nigerian comedians who take delight in using Jesus Christ to crack jokes.

Apostle Suleman queried why no Comedian uses Mohammed to crack jokes. According to him, Comedians will be killed if they crack jokes with Mohammed.

He also took a swipe at Christians that do not stand up in defence of clergymen as they get dragged online.

While preaching in his church in Edo State recently, Apostle Suleman said:

“No regard. Imagine comedians will be cracking jokes and using Jesus for joke, calling Jesus Bros J and a pastor doesn’t go to the altar and give him sound slap.

“Can you joke with Mohammed like that? They will kill you,” he said.

In another video shared by Award winning music producer Wilson Joel on Instagram, Apostle Suleman condemned the popular dance moves being exported into the church. He was specific about the new dance called ‘Shaku Shaku’. He condemned the church members and pastors joining in the dance saying, it did not start in the church. He is of the view that the church should create its own dance moves and export it to the world.



“Most of us have been carried away by what is popular. Even in the church, we improvise and bring in popular things into church, thinking we can give Christianity swag. People are dancing and moving their hands… they call it Shaku… what they saw outside. You are spiritualizing and churchilizing shaku in church. You are a shame! You are a disgrace. Leave them to dance their dance! Dancing shaku in church, some pastor join them, some choir members and urshers… It didn’t start here. We should look for a dance that started in church and export it outside…”

The prolific music producer Wilson Joel who shared the post said he has some reservations but did not comment further.


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