Home #SelahMusic #SelahMusicVid: Elvis E | Uwę Nekhóę Mwęn

#SelahMusicVid: Elvis E | Uwę Nekhóę Mwęn [@ElvisEOfficial]


Netherlands based Nigerian Gospel minister Elvis E releases the single “Uwę Nekhóę Mwęn” rendered inhis Edo dialect and  means ‘Oh my soul gives honour to God’

The song features Gospel For Everyone Choir.

The song dressed in worship adornment gives substantial gratitude to the Most High.

Speaking about the song,  Elvis narrates:

“‘Uwę Nekhóę Mwęn’ is a song in my dialect. I heard this song way back at CGM International in Benin City and it never left my spirit since then. Meaning My soul gives honour to God, for He saved me, it was recorded live with the amazing Gospel For Everyone Choir from the Netherlands. Buy, Listen and watch video to the end”.

Watch video now:



Uwę nekhóę mwęn
(Oh my soul)
Riuyi ne’ Osa
(Glorify The Lord)
Óba nó miu uwę fan
(He’s The King that rescued you)
(2 times)
Ęghę nagbón na hu uwę yotó
(When the world deserted you)
Jesu Óba nódo miu uwę fan
(Jesus is the King that came to your rescue)
Uwę nekhóę mwęn
(Oh my soul)
Ruiyi Osa
(Glorify The Lord)
Óba nó miu uwę fan
(He’s The King that rescued you)
Uwę nekhóę mwęn
(Oh my soul)
Riuyi ne’ Osa
(Glorify The Lord)
Óba nó miu uwę fan
(He’s The King that rescued you)
(2 times)
Ęghę nagbón na hu uwę yotó
(When the world deserted you)
Jesu Óba nódo miu uwę fan
(Jesus is the King that came to your rescue)
Uwę nekhóę mwęn
(Oh my soul)
Ruiyi Osa
(Glorify The Lord)
Óba nó miu uwę fan
(He’s The King that rescued you)


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