Grammy-nominated singer Lauren Daigle was featured on NBC’s popular “Ellen DeGeneres Show” this week where she showcased her new Christian music. While some praised her for it, others took issue because of DeGeneres’ open lesbian lifestyle.
The Christian singer took the stage on Wednesday to perform “Rolling Stones” off of her recently released album Look Up Child.
Despite the backlash, Daigle said in a recent interview, she is remaining true to her call of going outside the walls of the church to share the Gospel.
“I think the passage that says, ‘Go out into the world and draw people unto Him,’ the Great Commission, that’s what I think about in regard to the mainstream aspect,” Daigle said. “I wasn’t looking at [making my music] as in mainstream versus Christian. I was like, ‘OK, what is the purest version of me? Or what is the purest thing that God has written into my spirit and how do I express that? How do I communicate that?”
The 27-year-old Louisiana native said she’s not afraid to appeal to the world with her message of hope, which some fear might lead her astray and to abandon her worship roots to become a secular artist. Daigle, however, said her faith and mission in life has never been clearer.