– Did Dr. Paul Enenche lambasts Daddy Freeze over Glory Dome’s dedication?Following the dedication of the world’s largest church auditorium – Dunamis International Christian Centre over the weekend, controversial OAP with the notoriety of having a go at Christian leaders, Daddy Freeze, has described the dedication of the auditorium as “shameful and hypocritical.
Video making round on the internet shows Dr. Paul Enenche defending churches building big structure when critics are clamouring for factories.
The video is not new but bloggers have managed to link it up with Dadday Freeze’s recent criticism of the world’s largest church auditorium.
In the video, it seem Dr. Paul Enenche who had made the statement sometime ago was lambasting Daddy Freeze and others for criticizing him for building the world’s largest 100,000 capacity church auditorium – if you ask, we will say it is an apt response and kudo to whoever pieced it together! 🙂
Dr. Paul said: “They have not achieved anything and will never achieve anything for life, would be remembered for nothing.”
“I heard some very highly irrelevant, insignificant, infinitesimal, microscopic statistical piece of materials that are only relevant for census purposes, who only hang on the internet to talk against people. They have not achieved anything and will never achieve anything for life, would be remembered for nothing… say why do you build a big church not big factories?
“I have bad news for that devil, you have seen nothing yet,” he said.