Home #SelahMusic #SelahMusicVod: Beth Jesus | My Prayer

#SelahMusicVod: Beth Jesus | My Prayer [@BethJesus]


Beth Jesus releases another single this time a worship titled My PrayerBeth Jesus, a British Gospel artist from a very tender age started writing songs. She lived with her parents in Nigeria and grew up around worship, both parents being Pastors. Worship means everything to Beth.

She runs a ministry called Tehillah Praise UK and Beth Jesus ministries. It’s a night of total worship and she truly prays to always live a life of total worship and surrender to Jesus.

“My Prayer” is a genuine prayer to God, recognizing that human effort can not bless, only God can bless. Everything God has created points to the amazing nature of our God, the rising of the sun to its going down points to God’s faithfulness, the birds of the air and the lilies of the valley points to our God who provides.

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Twitter: @BethJesus


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