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Did Joyce Meyer Admit Her Prosperity & Faith Views Were Out Of Balance?

Joyce Meyer

Popular televangelist Joyce Meyer has said that she used to have an out-of-balance view on prosperity and faith. In a video clip shared on Instagram, the woman of God created a balance on having faith to weather the storms of life. Joyce Meyers said she used to think people didn’t have enough faith when bad things such as the death of a child happens to people but she understand better now

Joyce Meyer shared the clip in order to encourage and set people free from the mindset addressed but the media has taken the clip out of context to mean that she was admitting that her messages on faith and prosperity were out of balance.

“I’m glad for what I learned about prosperity, but it got out of balance. I’m glad for what I’ve learned about faith, but it got out of balance,” she said. “Every time somebody had a problem in their life, [I thought] it’s because they didn’t have enough faith. If you got sick it’s because you don’t have enough faith. If your child died, it’s because you don’t have enough faith,” she added in a clip posted on Instagram.

“Faith is something God gives you that you need to use and release in your life. It’s a powerful force but it’s not just an automatic, you put your trust in God, you put your faith in Him,” Meyer’s said.

Throughout her ministry of 33-years, Joyce Meyer has frequently been accused of being aligned with the “prosperity gospel” and “word of faith” movements. She has denied both claims.

The St. Louis, Missouri, native then said a false balance in the areas of faith and prosperity are not in line with Scripture.

“Well, that’s not right! There is nowhere in the Bible where we’re promised we will never have any trouble. I don’t care how much faith you have, you’re never going to avoid having trouble in your life. Jesus said, ‘in the world, you will have tribulation but cheer up, I have overcome the world,’” she added.


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