Home News & Events American Pastor Says Recent Blood Moon In USA Spells Beginning Of End...

American Pastor Says Recent Blood Moon In USA Spells Beginning Of End Time

Blood Moon

American Pastor Paul Begley believes the “super blood moon” eclipse which happened in the United States between the 20th and 21st of January, (Sunday and Monday nights) could be the beginning of the end of the world while also describing it has a prophetic sign.

In a recent message posted on his YouTube channel, Pastor Paul Begley of West Lafayette, Indiana, argued that the blood moon — which occurs when Earth aligns to block the sun’s light from the moon — is a fulfillment of the end times prophecy.

“God is ready to show us that He is in control, and these are the last days,” the pastor charged, calling the lunar eclipse a “very significant sign, according to the Bible.”

Begley noted that the blood moon will pass over Washington, D.C. on the second anniversary of President Donald Trump’s inauguration. Additionally, he said, Trump was born on a blood moon on June 14, 1946, exactly 700 days before Israel was declared a nation.

“Did President Trump just stumble into this situation?” Begley asked. “Well, he’s the president that decides to go ahead and declare that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and then moves the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and dedicates it on May 14, 2018, the exact 70th anniversary of Israel as a nation.”

Begley claimed that Joel 2:28-31 specifically mentions a blood moon. The passage reads, in part: “The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.”

A second reference to a blood moon is found in Revelation 6:12: “I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood.”

“Could judgment be coming? Is this super blood moon a sign of the prophetic End Times?” he asked, adding he believes there is “no question” the answer is “yes.”

He continued:

“Just because you’re going to have a super blood moon on January 20 and January 21, doesn’t mean on January 22 all hell’s going to break loose. But then again it doesn’t mean it won’t.”

“The urgency, folks, is now,” he said. “The urgency has begun.”

Following this news fellows pastors have also support the theory. Popular pastor and author John Hagee also frequently weaves together celestial events, Jewish history and prophetic theories. Also, Pastor Mark Biltz and Pastor Irvin Baxter of the Endtime Ministries.


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