Home #SelahMusic Terrywils Switches Moniker To Panebi Wilson – Releases “Jesus Is Here” ...

Terrywils Switches Moniker To Panebi Wilson – Releases “Jesus Is Here” [+ Lyrics Video] | @PanebiWilson


Gospel music minister Terrywils has dropped his moniker to be known henceforth as Panebi Wilson. The Gospel music minister who also relocated to Canada has released the new single “Jesus is Here.”

Panebi Wilson, two time Extraordinary People Awards (USA) winner, says the new single “Jesus is Here” is inspired by the miracles Jesus Christ performed while on earth. The song will inspire you, and stir your heart to believe that there is absolutely nothing too hard for the Lord Jesus Christ to do.

With a mix of Western and African instrumentatiuon, “Jesus is Here”  will bring healing to the sick, the brokenhearted, and will erupt many miracles to the glory of God.

Panebi Wilson is a Nigerian from the Niger Delta region. A worship and praise leader, music director, music and media consultant with the divine mandate to reach the world with the hope, peace, and love the message of Christ brings.

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Lyrics: Jesus is here

(Vocalizing…..) Hosanna
Verse 1:

I read about a blind man
Who heard Jesus was in the neighbourhood
He screamed out loud believing
If Jesus can hear me then Jesus can heal me

I read about a woman
With the issue of blood
Who saw Jesus in her neighbourhood
If I can touch the hem
of His garment she said,
I know my healing will come


You may know the story
You may know their testimonies
Jesus is the same Yesterday
Today, and Forevermore
You may know the story
You may know their testimonies
Jesus is the same Yesterday
Today, and Forevermore

Verse 2:

I read about a leper
Who saw Jesus in his neighbourhood
He knelt down and he begged Him
If you are willing,
you are able to heal me

I read about a woman
Bent for eighteen years
She saw Jesus in her neighbourhood
Jesus had compassion and said
Woman thou art loosed!
Immediately, she was made straight.


You may know the  story
You may know their testimonies
Jesus is the same Yesterday
Today, and Forevermore
You may know the story
You may have heard their testimonies
Jesus is the same Yesterday
Today, and Forevermore


Jesus is here
Jesus is here
Reach out and touch Him
(Haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa
Speak out in faith
Jesus is here
Jesus is here
You’ll be Renewed, Restored and Released

Jesus is here
Right here to heal
Reach out and touch Him
(Haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa)
Speak out in faith oh oh
Jesus is here
Right here to heal every disease
You’ll be Renewed, Restored and Released

Verse 3:

I read about a blind man
Who heard Jesus was in his neighbourhood
He screamed out loud believing
If Jesus can hear me then Jesus can heal me. eh!!

I read about the woman
With the issue of blood
Who saw Jesus in her neighbourhood
If I can touch the hem
of His garment she said,
I know my healing will come


I know you know the story
I declare that you will have testimony
Jesus is the same Yesterday
Today, and Forevermore
Oh oh oh oh oh
I know you have your story
I declare that you will have testimony
For Jesus is the same Yesterday
Today, and Forevermore
Come on
Oh oh oh oh oh


Jesus is here
Jesus is here
Can you Reach out and touch Him
(Haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa)
Reach out in faith
(Haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa)
I know He’s here
To heal, to deliver, to save
And so I say
You’ll be Renewed, Restored and Released


Oh oh oh oh
pa pa eya ha ha
Speak in faith
Pa eya ha ha ha ha
Declare what you need
Pa pa eya ha ha
For Jesus is here
Pa eya ha ha ha ha
To take away the pain, to take away the shame
Pa pa eya ha ha ha…….ha….
And give you everything that you’ll asked for
I know He’s here
Pa eya ha ha ha ha
He will save, He will deliver
Pa pa eya ha ha
Come on everyone For you’ll be RENEWED, RESTORED, AND RELEASED.

Jesus is here
pa pa eya ha ha
To mend every broken heart
Pa eya ha ha ha ha
To heal every disease
Pa pa eya ha ha
Give you the victory
Pa eya ha ha ha ha…. ha
No more shame, no more pain
All you’ll ever need, all you’ll ever ask for He’s here
Pa pa eya ha ha ha pa ya ha ha
Speak out in faith
pa pa eya ha ha

For we are blessed with all spiritual blessings
pa pa eya ha ha
In heavenly places
Pa eya ha ha ha ha
And so I know
Pa pa eya ha ha
Your healing is here
Pa eya ha ha ha ha
I know your lifting is here
Pa pa eya ha ha ha…….ha….
You’ll never be the same
Speak out in faith
Pa eya ha ha ha ha
(…speaks in tongues)
Pa pa eya ha ha
Pa ya ha ha ha



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