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Selah’s Journal: Reno Omokri Said “Jesus Is Not God” But Consider This Carefully


Nigerian author and former aide to ex-president Goodluck Jonathan, Reno Omokri has, in a series of tweets, profer that Yeshua and not Jesus is the son of God.

It all started when Instagram comedian Maraji spoke about her faith saying Jesus is the only way to heaven, not even Allah, Buddha, Krishna or evolution. Reno Omokri, agreed with her but stated however that Yeshua and not Jesus is the son of God.

In a series of post, he explained how the name Jesus has been widely accepted by many and not Yeshua. He also defended why he believes Yeshua is not God but rather, the only way to God.

“Let me shock you. Yeshua came to show us the Way to God because He, Yeshua, is the only Way to God. He is the everlasting Melchizedek High Priest. The Mediator between God and man. But He is not the Almighty God. That is a European concept. Yeshua never claimed to be God. Many Christians read John 1:1 in The Bible (not the Scriptures) and use that to claim that Yeshua is God. I will urge you to get the original Greek Scriptures (see the attached picture) and even if you can’t read Greek, just study that verse.

“This is the verse in pure Greek (Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος). Here is the verse in Latin, which may be easier for laymen (In principio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum). Notice the words Deum and Deus are used to describe the first and second mention of God.

“Although you may not be able to read the Greek, what John 1:1 says when translated without changing the words used for God is this “in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with Theon and the Word was Theos”. The original Scriptures did not use the same word for the first mention of God and the second mention. The word used in the first mention is Theon (which refers to the Almighty. The word in the second mention is THEOS which is what is used to refer to Yeshua. This is why Scripture says “my people perish for lack of knowledge”-Hosea 4:6. #YeshuaNotJesus””

Let’s look at the first issue Reno Omokri raised. He said Jesus, not Yeshua is the son of God. Nigerian Gospel music minister based in Ikot Ikpene, Mbomboyo made a valid point. In a post on Facebook he said:

“Oga Reno,

God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must in spirit and truth…

It’s not the verbal sound or spelling or pronounciation of the name but THE PERSON BEING REFERRED TO…

The name JESUS has been and done ALL that Christ and the Apostles said His name would…

Salvation was preached to me decades ago in that name and He is more real to me that even your existence…

So whether it’s JESUS or YESHUA or YAHUSHA… It refers to that man of Galilee who died on Calvary as the Passover Lamb… Taking away the sin of the whole world

Just like some call me Aniekan Okokon, Dr. White, Mbomboyo, Mbommbe, Mboms, late Ette Ntia used to call me TONKOYO… or BOMBOYE… ALL JOIN… Whichever name is used, I respond and I answer accordingly


Reno said the name “Jesus” was develop out of an occultic agenda. Like Christmas which history has traced to worship of gods, but is now serving the purpose of the celebration of the birth of the saviour, the name Jesus has served the purpose for which God ordained. Therefore like Mbomboyo rightly said, “whether it’s JESUS or YESHUA or YAHUSHA… It refers to that man of Galilee who died on Calvary as the Passover Lamb… Taking away the sin of the whole world!”

The question is, has the name worked for you? Do you have an encounter? A testimony perhaps? The person with an experience/encounter in a subject is never at the mercy of the person with an argument on that subject.

On the second point raised, Reno said Jesus is not God and he quoted the Greek translation of John 1:1 to back his claim. The truth is there are many instances were Jesus made distinction between himself and God but that does not falter the realness of the Trinity and Godhead, which proves beyond man’s intelligence that Jesus is God.

This is because without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: [that] God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” – 1 Timothy 3:16

Dr. Abel Damina, while speaking at the House on the Rock Faith to Faith Conference in 2016 explained this in detailed when he said God came out of God and said to himself (the Godman), you go and save man.

Moreover, Jesus said in John 10:30: “I and the Father are one,” thereby establishing the distinction and yet reinforcing the union. He further stressed when he was about to leave his disciples that he has many things to say to them but they cannot understand it at that moment, therefore while he was with them he spoke in parables and layman’s terms, because the premise is a mystery.

The arguments is not therefore to create a distinction of rivalry between the God-head, rather to realize that either as the Father, Son or the Holy Ghost, God is one! What does it matter if “Theos” is different from “Theon”? Hence, Deuteronomy 6:4 says “Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one.”


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