Home News & Events Dera Getrude Unveils Amazing Line-Up! Wole Oni, PatUwaje King & More At...

Dera Getrude Unveils Amazing Line-Up! Wole Oni, PatUwaje King & More At Empowered For Worship Mega Concert | Nov. 17th


Following the announcement that the Empowered For Worship Mega Concert with Dera Getrude is slated for the 17th of November, the Gospel minstrel has unveiled the list of artiste who will be joining her on the stage and the list is amazing!

Join Ambassador Wole Oni, Midnight Crew’s lead singer PatUwaje King, Efe Nathan, Nene Uko, Chiika100%, Rev. Paul Chikwem to lift up worship with Dera Getrude at CPM Festac, Plot R, Opposite Road 209, 2nd Avenue, Festac.

These A-List Gospel music minister will further strengthen the aim of the concert, which is to bring like-minded Christian into a time of intimate fellowship with the trinity through worship. The concert which has held 2 of previous editions is characterized by unusual visitation as the team depends of the Holy Spirit to birth testimonies.

Dera Getrude is a worship leader and a songwriter with a debut album – “In Your Presence“ – to her credit. Released singles off the album include “He Came,” “My Prayer,” “In Your Presence” and “Most Holy”. Her critically acclaimed video for the song “God of Heaven and Earth” was released in February of 2018 and enjoyed heavy rotations on cable and local stations.

Event Details:

Date: Sunday, 17th of November, 2019

Time: 2pm

Venue: CPM Festac, Plot R, Opp Rd 209, 2nd Avenue, Festac

Also Ministering:Wole Oni,PatUwaje King, Efe Nathan, Nene Uko, Chiika100%, Rev. Paul Chikwem



Twitter | Instagram | Facebook: @deragetrude

Email: chideragetrude@yahoo.com


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