Home #SelahMusic #SelahMusic: Evans Ighodalo | Great Are You Lord | Feat. Elijah Oyelade...

#SelahMusic: Evans Ighodalo | Great Are You Lord | Feat. Elijah Oyelade [@Evansighodalo]


Recording artiste Evans Ighodalo exalts the name of the Lord in a new single ‘Great Are You Lord’ featuring renowned worship leader Elijah Oyelade.

Prior to the new release, Evans had earlier in the year releases an amazing worship and praise song titled ‘You Are Worthy’. Evans shares the inspiration and scriptures behind the new single ‘Great are You Lord’

”I was worshiping one day when this scriptures came in a song, ‘Great are You Lord, You are worthy to be Praise’ , I will praise You forever, Amen. This is a commitment and my purpose for existing, to praise God forever. In any situation I find myself, I will praise God, forever, Amen.

“After a while, the verse came, and at that point, the Holy Spirit asked me to invite Pastor Elijah Oyelade to minister on it, and he did justice to the verse 2, which he wrote and sang, giving praise to God in singing”. He concluded

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Twitter: @Evansighodalo 


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