Home News & Events Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s TV Sanctioned By UK Regulator Over 5G Theory

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s TV Sanctioned By UK Regulator Over 5G Theory


– Pastor Chris Oyakhilome 5G theory evokes sanctionPastor Chris Oyakhilome’s TV Sanctioned By UK Regulator Over 5G Theory

British media regulator Office of Communications (OFCOM) has imposed sanctions against a channel founded by Nigerian televangelist and founder of Believers Loveworld, Rev. Chris Oyakhilome for airing “unsubstantiated claims” linking 5G to the Coronavirus pandemic, according to CNN.

The UK TV agency released an official statement saying:

“Our investigation found that a report on Loveworld News included unsubstantiated claims that 5G was the cause of the pandemic, and that this was the subject of a ‘global cover-up’.

“Another report during the programme suggested hydroxychloroquine as a ‘cure’ for Covid-19, without acknowledging that its effectiveness and safety as a treatment was clinically unproven, or making clear that it has potentially serious side effects.

“There is no ban on broadcasting controversial views which are different from, or which challenge, official authorities on public health information. However, given the unsubstantiated claims in both these programmes were not sufficiently put into context, they risked undermining viewers’ trust in official health advice, with potentially serious consequences for public health.

“Given these serious failings, we concluded that Loveworld Limited did not adequately protect viewers from the potentially harmful content in the news programme and the sermon, and the news reports were not duly accurate. Loveworld Limited must broadcast our findings and we are considering whether to impose any further sanction.”

Rev. Chris Oyakhilome presides over one of the largest Christian congregations in Africa. The church has branches and university campuses across five continents.


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