Home News & Events Pastor Adeboye Gives Reason For Low Covid-19 Death Rate In Nigeria

Pastor Adeboye Gives Reason For Low Covid-19 Death Rate In Nigeria

Pastor Adeboye Gives Reason For Low Covid-19 Death Rate In Nigeria

– Pastor Adeboye Replies Bill Gate On Low Covid-19 Death Rate In Nigeria

Pastor Enoch Adeboye, Redeemed Christian Church of God General Overseer has revealed reasons why Nigeria has not really been affected by Covid-19 compared to other nations.

Highlighting the favor of God amidst other things, Pastor Adeboye pointed out reasons Nigeria was hit less by the dangerous virus. The statement seems to coincide with what Billionaire Microsoft founder, Bill Gate, had said.

Bill Gate had recently said he didn’t understand why COVID-19 cases and fatalities were low in Africa, a region that lacked enough healthcare, financial resources and Government will power to fight the scourge.

The man of God made it known while speaking at the January 2021 Special Thanksgiving Service and Ground-Breaking Ceremony of the Coastline Worship Centre of the Redeemed Church of God National Headquarters, Throne of Grace, Ebutte-Metta, Lagos.

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Adeboye in response said; “When I read that it will take 10 years to vaccinate people in the U.S., I wonder when the vaccine will come to Nigeria. We have no money; we have no resources, but we have God.

“They expected us to be dying like flies, but we have a God who says he that dwells in the secret place will be under the shadow of the almighty. It is the God that reigns and rules in the affairs of men and the world must recognise his lordship in all that they do,”

“Ebola came, we survived; coronavirus came, we survived and whatever may come in the future, we will survive because we will keep praising God,” the cleric also stated.

He also states some of the demerits of new government policies that were placed in-other to check mate the flow and spread of the virus in the nation, he said;  “There is fear in the air. Fear is a killer. Some people will die of hypertension because they are afraid. Coronavirus may not come near them at all, but fear can kill them.

 “When you ask a man to do a job only God can do, don’t blame him if he makes mistakes. When I heard they closed down some restaurants, I was wondering. What about those of us who go to bukas (roadside eateries), how many bukas are you going to close? What are you going to do about people like me who eat boli (roasted plantain),” Adeboye said.

Pastor Adeboye, however, warned; “I do not say be careless. Wear your mask. We are particular about hygiene. Keep washing your hands. Do social distancing as much as possible. Obey the government. Wash your hands.”

“The Lord told me loud and clear, RCCG is my Church. I can take care of my own. I will not be afraid. My God will take care of me.

“If you are ungrateful, he can withdraw what he has done. Sooner or later, you will need God again, so be grateful,” he said.

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