Home News & Events Take A Tour Of Apostle Arome Osayi’s RCN Embassy – New...

[Video + Pictures] Take A Tour Of Apostle Arome Osayi’s RCN Embassy – New Ultra-Modern Facility In Markurdi

Take A Tour Of Apostle Arome Osayi RCN Embassy In Markurdi

– Apostle Arome Osayi RCN New Facility Headquarters – The Embassy – in Markurdi

Remnant Christian Network (RCN), an interdenominational and nondenominational Christian ministry with the mandate of restoring the apostolic order, has dedicated their new facility in Markurdi, with the International Eagles Conference 2021 themed “Manifestations Of The Sons Of God.”

RCN is headed by Apostle Arome Osayi.

The conference was a 6-day programme that ran from the 23rd of November to the 28th of the same month. The grand launch and dedication of the new facility was on the 25th. The programme also had the governor of Markurdi, Samuel Ortom, in attendance.

The RCN new facility named the Embassy is located at Markurdi, besides International Market, George Akume way. It has a 4500 seat capacity as well as administrative and care unit.

Apostle Arome Osayi had said during a sermon that the facility was constructed within a year.

RCN has a mandate to restore the apostolic order and Christianity as was seen in the days of the first generation of apostles of Jesus Christ. As a result, heralding the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in this end of the age.

It seeks only to see the coming of the King and His Kingdom until His reality is furnished in the hearts of the sons of men. Its major instruments of realizing this vision are Prayers, the Study of the Word, and Breaking of Bread with one another.

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