– Daniel Dozie Releases A New EP Titled “On My T.A.B” (Twice As Blessed)
Gospel artiste and songwriter Daniel Dozie, has released a new EP titled “ON MY T.A.B” (Twice As Blessed).
As artistic as the title goes, “ON MY T.A.B” is talking about someone taking care of a bill for something or someone.
In this context, the EP talks about God’s blessings found in his word causing us to be “Twice as Blessed”, so when those dark sides of life throw their shady face on us, we don’t worry because we are T.A.B.
God’s love and power are expressed in words and music; as Daniel Dozie displays his eclectic taste in both sound and style while relating the heart of God through his music.
SEE ALSO: Gospel Artiste Daniel Dozie Debuts “Phases” Mixtape |
With previous hit singles like CHINESOM and a mixtape titled PHASES, this EP expresses the depth of God’s love through Daniel Dozie’s unique sound.
Daniel Dozie is known for his unique sound and experimental fusion when making music. From Afro-Pop to your typical “Church Gospel” sounds, Daniel Dozie will continue to express his love for God through music.
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Twitter: @iamdanieldozie