Home #SelahMusic #SelahFresh: Ebuka Daniel | Chukwu Dinma

#SelahFresh: Ebuka Daniel | Chukwu Dinma [@ebukadaniel123]

Chukwu Dinma By Ebuka Daniel %%sep%% Gospel Music

– New Music Chukwu Dinma by Ebuka Daniel ou now!

Fast rising gospel minister, Ebuka Daniel makes debut with “Chukwu Dinma”.

Chukwu Dinma simply means my God is good. According to Ebuka, Chukwu Dinma is not just a worship song, but a song of thanksgiving for all God has done and that which will still do.

Chukwu Dinma was produced by Sunny Pee.

Download & Stream Below:



I serve a very big God oh, who is always by my side.
Lord, my life in you makes me strong.
For the joy you’ve given to me,
I am saying thank you Lord.
Chukwu Dinma..
Chukwu m Dinma ehh..

Chorus: Anyi nwere chukwu Dinma ehh.. (chukwu Dinma)
e nwere m chukwu Dinma ehh (chukwu Dinma)
Anyi nwere chukwu Dinma ehh (chukwu Dinma)
Anyi nwere chukwu Dinma ehh (chukwu Dinma)

Lord, from ages to ages, you have never ever failed, you have never ever changed.
As you are now, you remain dsame.
You are bigger than what people say.

I am not afraid, cos my Jesus is always with me.
He loves me so much, that he died on the cross, just wash away my sins.

Omenma ehh…
Omenma ehh..
E n’ emerem nma eh
I will praise you everyday.
You protect me everyday.
You cover me everyday.
Daddy m eh
E n’ eme ihe na dim nma .

SEE ALSO: #SelahFreshVid: Qhemmy Onasanya | His Goodness


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