Home #SelahMusic #SelahMusicVid: Righteousman | Dried Up

#SelahMusicVid: Righteousman | Dried Up

New Music By Righteousman Tagged Dried Up

– New Music By Righteousman Tagged Dried Up

Righteousman tells a story of the woman who got her miracle by working out her faith and goes further with “Dried Up” to make us understand that this same miraculous power is still made available to us if only we can brace up our mind believing that
the same Jesus who revealed His authority over disaster, demons, and diseases.

Who calmed a raging storm, fed and healed many people with diseases including the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years without solution is the same yesterday, today and forever!

SEE ALSO: #SelahMusicVid: Carol Cee | Testimony Time

The song says He is Accessible, Reachable, Available, Capable, does the Impossible, He is Dependable with just a touch for your miracle.

“Dried Up” is good news for bleeding hearts. All you need do is to walk the talk to your Lord and Saviour. If He did it before, He can do it again and again.

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Instagram: @iamrighteousman


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