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UK Churches Held Services In Honor Of King Charles III Coronation With Prayers & Thanksgiving

King Charles III

-King Charles III Receives Honor As UK Churches Celebrates Him

Churches across the united Kingdom, held services over the coronation of King Charles III on Sunday, with prayers and thanksgiving

Many churches planned services of prayer and thanksgiving, following the king’s coronation at Westminster Abbey on Saturday.

While some churches celebrated the coronation of the king by sharing food and having fun together.

In a message released on the eve of the coronation weekend, the Bishop of Blackburn, Rev. Philip North, said he hoped people would enjoy the celebrations while also reflecting on the Christian message of service that was at the heart of the king’s coronation.

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Jesus taught His disciples to be servants. He did that as He washed their feet at the table of the Last Supper. He did it above all on the cross when He gave his life away, He made of His life a gift to others. And that’s the call of a Christian, to make of our lives a gift to the world,” he said.

King Charles III will be doing that as he’s crowned, making of his life a gift as servant of nation and commonwealth. Churches around Lancashire seek to do that in their common life as they serve their neighborhoods and their communities especially the poorest and the most vulnerable.

He added: “I hope that you and everyone across the nation, and across the globe, really enjoys this coronation weekend and delight in the spectacle.

“But I also hope people have a chance to think a bit deeper, to think what’s really going on, Charles giving away his life as servant, and inviting us to do the same.”

Many churches have made it a duty to always pray for the king every Sunday as part of their prayers of intercession.

Churches across the U.K. joined in the celebrations on Saturday by livestreaming the coronation in their buildings and holding coronation-themed events like tea parties, music concerts and flower festivals.


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