Home #SelahMusic #SelahFreshVid: Twin1 | Kòyípò Pádà

#SelahFreshVid: Twin1 | Kòyípò Pádà

Twin1 | Kòyípò Pádà

South Africa-based Nigerian gospel music minister, Oluwanifemi Mofeyisiro fondly called Twin1 is out with a fantastic Yoruba song titled “Kòyípò Pádà.”

The Yoruba [a language spoken by the Yoruba tribe, mostly populating the Southwestern region of Nigeria] titled song simply means “He Changeth Not” in English verbatim translation.

This is not just a song but a revelation of who our mighty and ancient God the Father is.

SEE ALSO: #SelahMusicid: Fortune Ebel | Your Spirit | Feat. KingdomRealm

While quoting Hebrews 13.8, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever,” Twin1 says, “He’s been existing in the hallowed antiquity before time began and He’ll forever exist even when we all transit into beyond time, He’ll always remain God.”

The song is accompanied by a very beautiful Video.

Watch video below 



Facebook: Twin1


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