Home #SelahMusic #SelahMusic: Blessify | Great God

#SelahMusic: Blessify | Great God

Blessify | Great God

Music minister Blessify has released yet another Inspiring and soul uplifting song, titled “Great God”

Blessify speaking on the song, wrote; “My heart is inditing a good matter, I sing of my meditations of our Great God As numerous as we are in this great world, isnt it amazing that God individually reaches out to each and everyone of us and this is not having in account the numerous stars, galaxies and every element of nature.

“What a joy that God knows and loves U and I! What a Great God! Glory to His name forever! ‘Great God’ is another Spirit inspired fruits of my lips as His worshipper giving thanks to His Holy name.

“What are you waiting for dearly beloved, hit the download button and worship our Great King with me, He deserve all of our praise – Halleluyah!”

SEE ALSO: #SelahMusic: Blessify | The Name Jesus [@Blessify03]

This song is an expression of a deep sense of reverence and gratitude towards the Great and the MightyGod. It speaks of a Great God, the Creator of the universe, the Saviour of the whole world, and the Mighty Father.

The lyrics acknowledge the amazing love that this Great God has poured out on humanity, through the ultimate sacrifice of dying so that we may live.

The song also acknowledges the incomparable nature of this Great God, whom there is no one like, and whose love is beyond measure.

The lyrics express a deep sense of indebtedness to this Great God, and an unwavering commitment to live a life of worship and service in honor of His greatness.

Throughout the song, the lyrics repeat the refrain “What a great God you are” as a declaration of the greatness of this divine being. The whole earth is called upon to adore this Great God, who reigns and rules over the universe.

Overall, this song is a beautiful expression of praise and worship to the divine, and a reminder of the greatness and love of this Great God that is beyond comprehension.

Psalm 96:4 states that the Lord is great and worthy of praise, and that He is to be feared above all other gods. Similarly, Psalm 145:3 declares that the Lord is great and highly worthy of praise, and that His greatness is beyond measure and unfathomable.

Meanwhile, Romans 5:8 speaks of the ultimate act of love demonstrated by God towards humanity, as Christ died for our sins while we were still sinners. This is a powerful expression of the depth and magnitude of God’s love and grace towards us, despite our unworthiness.

Together, these verses paint a picture of a divine being who is infinitely great and worthy of our highest praise and reverence, and whose love for humanity is beyond comprehension. It is a reminder of the majesty and benevolence of God, and an invitation to live a life of gratitude, worship, and service to this Great God.

The song was produced by E’keyz.

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Twitter: @Blessify03

Instagram: official_@Blessify


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