Home News & Events Armed Men Attack Christians & Burn Churches In Pakistan Over Alleged Blasphemy

Armed Men Attack Christians & Burn Churches In Pakistan Over Alleged Blasphemy

Mobs Attack Christians In Pakistan

– Mobs Attack Christians In Pakistan Over Alleged Blasphemy

Armed mobs attack Christians in Pakistan, burn down at least four churches over alleged blasphemy.

The attacks which took place in Jaranwala, saw hundreds of people with dangerous weapons, attack Salvation Army Church and the Saint Paul Catholic Church, setting them ablaze, while another mob attacked private homes.

Punjab provincial police inspector, Mohammed Naved revealed that the police force tried their possible best in controlling the armed men against attacking the churches.

The controversy erupted after two Christian men said they found pages of the Quran, the holy book of Islam, with derogatory remarks written in red.

The pages torn were taken to a local religious leader, who reportedly urged Muslims to protest and demand that the culprits be arrested.

Yassir Bhatti, a 31-year-old Christian, was one of those to flee their homes.

“They broke the windows, doors and took out fridges, sofas, chairs and other household items to pile them up in front of the Church to be burnt,” he said.

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They also burnt and desecrated Bibles, they were ruthless.”

Amir Mir, the information minister for Punjab province, condemned the alleged blasphemy, revealing that thousands of police had been sent to the area and dozens of people had been detained.

Pakistani bishop Azad Marshall, said the Christian community was deeply pained and distressed by the events.

“We cry out for justice and action from law enforcement and those who dispense justice, and the safety of all citizens to intervene immediately and assure us that our lives are valuable in our own homeland,” he said.


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