Home #SelahMusic #SelahMusicVid: Purist Ogboi | Omo Yanju Oro Mi

#SelahMusicVid: Purist Ogboi | Omo Yanju Oro Mi

Purist Ogboi | Omo Yanju Oro Mi

Highly rated gospel star, Purist Ogboi shares a new powerful worship song titled “Omo Yanju Oro Mi”.

“Omo Yanju oro mi” goes beyond a worship single to being a call to worship, Purist vocals was well complimented by the soft soothing instrumentals.

SEE ALSO: #SelahMusicVid: Kimberly Adé | Grateful

While saying  her opinion on the song, she said; “‘OMA YANJU ORO Ml’ encourages us as Christians to persevere in prayer against all odds. We must pray through and not faint.

“We keep asking, we keep seeking, we keep knocking, and the door shall be opened to us in Jesus’ name.

Watch video below





ôma vaniu oro mi o

It is settled

ôma yanju oro mi o

It is done

Whatever you start, you complete

Ôma yanju oro mi o, it is settled


Whatever you start, you complete ôma ti yanju oro mi o, it is settled

It is settled 2x ôma yanju oro mi o

It is settled

It is done 2x ôma yanju oro mi 00

It is done


Hey ya hey

Mighty father o

Ôma yanju oro mi

Hey ya hey

Mighty father o

Ôma yanju oro mi

Ah ah ah

Settle my matter ôma yanju oro mi



I have a father who will never ever fail me 2x

Jesus is my father He has never ever failed me

He is your father he will never ever fail you



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