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#SelahMusic: Minister Afam | Inside Me

Minister Afam | Inside Me

– New Music By Minister Afam tagged Inside Me

Gospel Music Minister and Worship leader, Minister Afam is out with a brand New single titled “Inside Me”.

“Inside Me” goes beyond being just a song; it’s a musical testament to the unshakable power of faith and the human spirit.

Through its beautifully crafted verses and emotionally charged chorus, the song delves into the depths of personal struggles, while also celebrating the triumphant spirit that resides within all of us which is Christ Jesus.

The lyrics of “Inside Me” speak of challenges faced and conquered, of battles fought and won, all while finding solace in the unwavering belief that there’s a divine force guiding each step of the journey.

SEE ALSO: #SelahMusicVid: Shade Kings Oyewusi | Joy To The World

This song is a testament to the power of faith and the resilience that resides within each of us.

It is our hope that this music will uplift and inspire, reminding people that they have the strength to overcome any obstacle because Yahweh is inside us and with him all things are possible.

“Inside Me” will be available on all major streaming platforms.

Original song written and composed by Pure Streams.

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Instagram: @ministerafam

Twitter: @ministerafam

Facebook: Afam Emmanuel



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