A Mississippi megachurch pastor who flew accross the auditorium of his church to demonstrate Jesus second coming has responded to critics after a clip of his a dramatic entrance on Sunday went viral.
The viral Facebook Live clip of Pastor Bartholomew Orr, who has led the 11,000-member Brown Missionary Baptist Church in Southaven for 30 years, has been viewed more than two million times since it was posted on Sunday.
It shows Orr descending on the stage of his church on a zip-line while preaching from the book of James.
“That day is going to come when the sky is cracked and Jesus Christ comes again and every eye will see when he comes again. So here’s my question for you this morning brothers and sisters. The simple question for this right here is – Are you ready? Are you ready for his return?” Orr asked as he appeared to struggle slightly to land safely on the stage at the end of his zip-line journey.
Bursts of laughter could be heard as people reacted to his stage entrance but Orr continued preaching as he eventually landed safely.
Responding to some critics who felt that his use of the zip-line distracted from his message and was a wasteful use of church income, he explained in an interview with journalist Roland Martin on Monday that he believes his message was heard and that the money used for the zip-line didn’t come from the church.
“Every year we do this soulful Christmas production. It’s a singing Christmas tree with drama attached to it. We’ve been doing it now for about 10 years. The last four of those years we have had this flying apparatus, where we fly in angels, fly in Gabriel. We flew in some drummers one year when we were talking about drumming,” he said.
“It just so happens that last week I was up there when they were going through their flying school and I said ‘hey, I’ve never tried this. Let me try it. Tried it. Made a video, just a comical video because we are celebrating 136 years anniversary, wanted to get people involved with Vision 2025. And so I said ‘y’all come to church come see the flying preacher this coming Sunday. But that’s the flying joke to support Vision 2025,” Orr continued.
Despite what some critics have said however, Orr said the church did not foot the expense of his show to support the Gospel.
“The apparatus was already in place. No dollars, tithe money or church money [was used] because our soulful Christmas is sponsored by individuals and corporations … this is a free event that we put on for the public,” he said.
Orr also noted that his church had been looking at different ways to more effectively get the message of the Gospel on social media. He believes that, based on the reaction to the video, his decision to use the zip-line was a success.