You know how rappers on braids or dread grow older and they trim down to a clean cut? Oh well, seems Bouqui is going through that phase too at the moment. I really hope it’s not temporary because we are made to see Bouqui in a new light when SelahAfrik discovered some more pictures of the new-look Bouqui. It’s like we’ve never seen her before and I can tell you what we are made to see is beautiful to behold. This has been on for over 2 months now from what we could gather.
She said she is weighing her options in a recent interview and might be going back to broadcasting while juggling that with her music career, could this be responsible for the recent change or is it just a new found revelation?
Whatever it is, Bouqui you look so beautiful and it will be really nice to see a video of you on braids, locks, in dress or skirt!
Written by Juwon “Honeydew Amos
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