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Tag: Pastor Daniel Olawande

Pastor Daniel Olawande Receives Saxophone As New Gift & Shares Excitement...

-Daniel Olawande Receives Saxophone As Gift - Shares Excitement Pastor Daniel Olawande recently shared an exciting video on his Instagram page, as he received a...

Testament Of God’s Faithfulness! Pastor Daniel Olawande Welcomes Birth Of Baby...

-Pastor Daniel Olawande Welcomes Baby Boy With Wife Nifemi OlawandePastor Daniel Olawande, a devoted preacher, is full of gratitude towards God, as he welcomed...

Pastor Daniel Olawande Receives YouTube Silver Plaque For Surpassing 100K Subscribers

-Daniel Olawande Gets YouTube Plaque For Remarkable MilestonePastor Daniel Olawande has received a silver-plaque from international streaming giant, YouTube for having over 100k subscribers on...

Pastor Daniel Olawande Receives Honorary Doctorate Degree From Myles Leadership University

- Daniel Olawande Bags Degree (Honourary) From Myles Leadership UniversityPastor Daniel Olawande, a devoted preacher, recently achieved a remarkable accomplishment in his faith journey....

Pastor Daniel Olawande Celebrates RCCG “The Envoys” First Anniversary In Grand...

-RCCG The Envoys First Anniversary Celebrated In Grand StylePastor Daniel Olawande, the pioneer of RCCG The Envoys, has recently celebrated the remarkable church's first...

Pastor Daniel Olawande Gears Up For Highly Anticipated Young Ministers Retreat...

Pastor Daniel Olawande, an esteemed minister and the host of Young Ministers Retreat, has announced the highly anticipated YMR 2023, an event that promises...

Pastor Daniel Olawande Gifts New Facility To RCCG Breakthrough Parish On...

- Pastor Daniel Olawande Gifts New Building To Breakthrough ParishPastor Daniel Olawande who marked his 32nd birthday, has gifted new building to Breakthrough Parish...