Tag: singles
COZA Presents CREAM Singles Network | May 21st
The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA) presents CREAM Singles Network, a monthly life changing meeting for Singles.
This month's edition is slated for the 21st of...
Tonto Dikeh Says God Changed Her Life – Enjoins Singles &...
-- Tonto Dikeh calls on singles and married for a 30-Day prayer project
-- Says she invested time in prayer
-- Celebrates Valentine with...
Selah’s Journal: A Letter To Myself And My Single Friends| By...
It was a very hard decision to make. It took me at least four years to finally make this decision that seemed so impossible....
Selah's Journal: It Is Good For 'This Man' To Be Alone
"And the Lord God said "it is not good that this man should be alone, I will make him a helper comparable to him."...
Are you single and looking forward to excelling in your chosen field or career? Got a strong desire for all-round success?Come learn the secrets...