Home News & Events Christian Leaders & Fans Of Hillsong’s Taya Smith React As She Shaves...

Christian Leaders & Fans Of Hillsong’s Taya Smith React As She Shaves Hair Off

Taya Smith

Hillsong United lead singer Taya Smith caused an uproar after she unveiled her newly shaved hair. This got fans and christian leaders around the world talking.

Her revelation has been marred by mixed reaction around the world, her timeline was flooded with comments both in opposition and in favor of the hairdo.

While some believed it was ungodly and even went as far as quoting bible scriptures to back up the claim, others believed it is nice and should not be taken has a criteria to judge or castigate her.

 “Women shouldn’t shave their heads,” some wrote, quoting from 1 Corinthians 11 verses 5 and 6. Others argued that the scripture doesn’t apply and defended the 27-year-old.

“Your hair in no way shape or form defines you. What defines you is your heart for Jesus and mankind,” others wrote.

Born and raised on the far north coast of New South Wales, Australia, Taya Smith is a key leader in the Hillsong creative team. She is a passionate worship leader who has captured the hearts of believers across the globe with her vocals in ‘Oceans’ and ‘Touch The Sky’ on UNITED’s most recent albums, Empires and Zion.


  1. I wonder if Taya Smith was breaking the mold of the “cookie cutter” shaped woman that is supposed to be blonde and look a certain way that we sometimes see the world throwing at us. And that can be a lot of pressure! Taya’s hair is dark. Why not leave it that way, as God intended. I recently found out that I have been burning my hair with my ceramic coated curling iron when I went for a trim last week to my local hair salon. I was advised to use a ‘damage repair’ conditioner and heat protection spray after shampooing . . . I am doing that and have decided to start embracing my ‘straight hair’ again. Here’s a tidbit that may be of interest to some . . . taking in high levels of vitamin D supplements will slow down the grey hair that wants to creep in on our heads. As God intended, proper nutrition, right amounts of vitamins & supplements, exercise, and feeding on Gods word, are all good for the temple (your physical body) His Spirit indwells. Take nothing for granted. God bless.

  2. I agree hair does not define a person…But I do have serious concerns about this new move of all the women shaving their heads. As Christians we Know the true reality is the spiritual one and one day we die and only our spirits remain. And these moves always have some spiritual driving force behind it. Almost nothing is neutral in life everything has a motive, a reason, or at least a choice. God created women to have long hair and for it to be a part of their beauty. I guarantee you majority of men are attracted to women with hair. We know we can test the spirits by their fruits. The fruits that I see from the women in the world that are shaving their heads points to a spirit of rebellion not just against man but also against God. I don’t know if Taya is part of that movement but I don’t really like where it looks like this is going. I know people will come and say this is just part of becoming free and growing and stuff. But in the name of freedom people are freeing themselves of God. And embracing homosexuality as well as many other vile sins. Women with shaved heads are normally big time feminists. Maybe feminists have ruined the shaved head look? God did make man the head of the family. He in His all knowing wisdom designed the family and for some reason put man as the head so if you got a problem take it up with Him…1 Corinthians 11:3 Ephesians 5:23 Ephesians 5:33
    and for homosexuality Romans 1:27 Leviticus 18:22

  3. Your body is a temple, do everything to gloify the Lord. I read that somewhere she used her hair for chairty. She is glorifying God by doing good for others. I understand “homosexuality” is wrong and I am not a supporter HOWEVER, if you’ve kept up with the Asbury Revival, you notice we love others for who they are because we’ve felt the love of Christ.
    I love Taya, she is a submissive Christian and I love her for who she is. I saw her in concert and she was on the ground BOWING to the Lord?! So very faithful and I think the world needs more people like her!


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