“But, beloved, we are confident of better things concerning you, yes, things that accompany salvation…”

– Hebrews 6:9


A lot of people may be wondering why I am making a big deal out of mathematics. Here’s the reason:

I am not a genius as far as mathematics is concerned. English & Literature are however my strength. Trust me, I tried but I just can’t remember all the equations after some days. The formulas get mumbled up and fade out of my memory.

While I see Maths as a big deal, it’s someone else’s favourite subject. I was however able to escape Maths with a pass before heading to the university because that was the requirement, there was no other way to move to the next level, I just had to pass. This makes me to know what myself and the Maths geniuses have in common – we both know that where there is a maths problem, there MUST CERTAINLY be a solution.

God often let us go through trial so that we can also have and be a CERTAIN solution to others. Many of us go through series of trials and challenges before we can receive God’s blessings. That’s the reason why the Bible made an allusion to gold. A word I had yesterday said “imagine if gold had rushed out of the fire before it was refined fully, will it still qualify as gold?” Therefore, we need to thank God for all of the trials, challenges, and problems that come our way because God will bring us out a better refined and admirable gold.

Satan doesn’t want us to receive God’s blessings, so he always try to discouraged us to give up so that we won’t be able to enjoy the prosperous and abundant life God wants for us, especially when we’re so close to the answer to our prayers.

1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 tells us to “pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus in you.” Note: “IN EVERYTHING.” that means even when your heart is breaking, go ahead and thank Him for the solution is just around the corner, also for what He gives us while we are in the situation.

When things get rough, God will give you the ability to press on and never quit. At the same time, He constantly reminds us that He will never leave us or forsake us (see Hebrews 13:5).

On top of that, He will give us joy and peace that surpasses all understanding (see Philippians 4:7).

My friend, no matter how bad the situation may be, bear in mind that this is only temporary. More importantly, you’re not alone in this. Trust God. He is there with you. He will help you get through this so that you will be able to enjoy all the blessings waiting for you on the other side.

Thank you for reading, have you been blessed? please share with us by liking and commenting. Stay blessed!


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